0172-2971406        registrarpbvetycouncil@gmail.com


Privileges of Registered Veterinary Practitioner

No person other than a registered veterinary practitioner, shall-
(a) hold office as veterinary physician or surgeon or any other like office by whatever name called in Government or in any institution maintained by a local or other authority.

(b) practice veterinary medicine in any state provided that the State Govt. may, by order, permit a person holding a diploma or certificate of Vety. supervisor, stockman or stock assistant (by whatever name called) of any state or any veterinary institution in India, to render , under the supervision and direction of a registered veterinary practitioner, minor veterinary services. Explanation: “Minor veterinary Services” means the rendering of preliminary veterinary aid, like vaccination ,castration and dressing of wounds, and as such other types of preliminary aid or the treatment of such ailments as the state Govt. may by notification in the official Gazette, specify in this behalf;

c) be entitled to sign or authenticate a veterinary health certificate or nay other certificate required by any law to be signed or authenticated by a duly qualified veterinary practitioner;


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