0172-2971406        registrarpbvetycouncil@gmail.com



Punjab Veterinary Council was established under the Punjab Veterinary Council Act 1981. The first adhoc Council came into existence during the year 1983 and thereafter the State Council continued to be constituted as per the State Act till the year 1993. Punjab Vidhan Sabha through an unanimous resolution extended the Indian Veterinary Council Act,1984 to the State of Punjab and repealed the said Act. It was on 4th of May 1994 that Gazette Notification was issued by the Govt. of India in this behalf and this Act of Parliament thus extended to the State of Punjab as well. Thereafter , the Punjab State Veterinary Council was constituted under the Central Act and the Notification to the effect was issued by the State Government.


The Act regulates the veterinary practice and for that purpose provides the establishment of Veterinary Council of India , State Veterinary Councils and the maintenance of registers of the Veterinary Practitioners and matters connected therewith. Therefore, the state Veterinary Council besides registration the veterinarians with recognized veterinary qualifications, regulating their conduct, is also an advisory body to the State Government on all matters connected with the development of livestock and poultry and upliftment of the profession.


Provisional Registration:-  The Veterinary Council of India, New Delhi as per provisions of the IVC Act, 1984, made Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education, Degree Course-BVSc & AH, Regulations, 1993. The State Veterinary Councils under Section 7(2) of the Regulations grant provisional registration to the candidates on production of their provisional BVSc & AH course completion certificate to undergo compulsory rotating internship for a minimum period of six months so as to be eligible for the award of degree of BVSc & AH and full registration. The Council has provisionally registered 773 candidates as on date.

Full Registration: –      As per provisions of the IVC Act, 1984, the veterinarians possessing a recognized veterinary qualification has to get herself/himself first registered with the Punjab State Veterinary Council before holding the Public office or going in for private veterinary practice. The Council has registered 2500 veterinarians as on date. 

Renewal of Registration:-     Section 48 of the IVC Act, 1984 provides renewal of registration of Registered Veterinary Practitioners after every five years and for that purpose a Gazette Notification is required to be issued from the State Government before the start of renewal process. The necessary notification is got issued and the Council has renewed the registration of  1472 Veterinarians as on date.

Punjab Veterinary Journal, a bi-annual journal: –

            The Punjab State Veterinary Council has decided to launch a bi-annual journal under the name “Punjab Veterinary Journal” in the year 2001. The field veterinarians and the researchers in the field of veterinary & animal sciences contribute articles for this journal. A common platform has, thus been provided for an interaction between the field veterinarians on one side and the research workers (Faculty of College of Veterinary Science, PAU, Ludhiana) on the other side. This being a bi-annual journal, three issues (consisting two Volumes each issue) of it have been published and sent to all approximately 2050 Lifemembers of this journal. 


  The Council holds regular meetings and constituted various committees for the upliftment of the profession, livestock development. Reports from these committees have been received which have been sent to the State Government for their approval. Besides, the Council takes various decisions regarding the profession, which too have been taken up with the State Government, Government of India and other concerned authorities for appropriate action as per the decision.

Zonal Meeting :-          The Veterinary Council of India (A National Body of the Veterinary Profession) held a Zonal Meeting of the State Veterinary Councils of Northern Region of India at Chandigarh to discuss strengthening the State Veterinary Councils, preparation of State Veterinary Practitioners Register, enforcement of the provisions of IVC Act, 1984 and matters relating to continuing education for the field veterinarians. The Council has taken the follow up action on the decisions taken in the said Zonal Meeting accordingly.   The meeting was organized by the Punjab State Veterinary Council.  Besides, the Punjab State Veterinary Council has followed up the pending issues/ proposals that are under active consideration of the State Government/Government of India for approval/implementation. 


 For the betterment of the profession and professionals, the Punjab State Veterinary Council has launched an awareness campaign for Brucellosis testing among the Veterinarians/Para-veterinarians and the progressive farmers handling the animals and animal products. The Department of Veterinary Public Health, GADVASU, Ludhiana takes blood samples for this purpose. The testing results are very alarming as is clear from the reports. The campaign is in progress to cover the whole State of Punjab.

Work Done on Brucellosis:–

 The Director, Health Services, Punjab, Chandigarh has also constituted a team of experts consisting of four members from different fields, to join us in this regard. 

          Posters both in English and Punjabi languages have been circulated to all the Veterinary Institutions in the State for displaying the same on their Notice Board for information. 

Tuberculosis (Bovine Form)         

  The next aim of the Council is to create an awareness and up-date the knowledge of Veterinarians through a campaign regarding the incidents of Tuberculosis (Bovine Form) among Veterinarians, para-veterinarians and animal & animal product handlers as this disease goes un-noticed most of the time. 

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